
Over 60 years ago, the Elektra company began producing some of the finest Italian espresso machines. This unique espresso machine features traditional design and state of the art technology and each machine is put together by hand by a skilled craftsman. Elektra espresso machines feature a 2 year warranty.
Elektra coffee machines are easily recognizable and feature a sand casted eagle on the top and the Elektra seal on the body of the machine. Elektra espresso machines have a truly unique and elegant feel to them and add instant sophistication to any espresso bar, restaurant, office, or home kitchen.
Founded by the Fregnan family, Elektra believes in producing user friendly, easy to use espresso machines however, unlike many of their competitors, Elektra does not produce super automatic espresso machines. Instead, the company manufactures Elektra espresso machines with manual portafilters believing that this allows users to create the finest espresso.
The company creates 80% of the parts used in its machines in house and only outsources a small amount of manufacturing. They use only copper for its innovative boiler system and all Elektra coffee machines are tested for a minimum of 48 hours before being sent to a customer. Elektra espresso machines have long been touted for their longevity and dependability.
In fact, due to their elegant design and superior functionality, Elektra coffee machines have been featured in many luxury home magazines and lifestyle publications. The famous Harrods department store in London and the iconic Café Florian in Venice use these machines to prepare espresso.
1st in Coffee proudly features several models of Elektra espresso machines and our customer service line is open 7 days a week to offer expert advice about this beautiful machine. All Elektra espresso machines come with a two year warranty.
It seems that World War II and its aftermath was a primetime to make coffee. Although cafes had been in operation in Italy long before the Germans, then Americans came to the country in droves during the conflict, it was during this period that a number of espresso manufacturers either began production or got into the espresso machine business. One of these was Elektra.
Headquartered in Treviso, Italy, Elektra began operations in 1947. A young man was captivated by his father’s love of espresso and the social gatherings it inspires. The father’s love of espresso inspired his son to begin manufacturing a unique machine design that is regarded as one of the best, and most unique brands, of espresso machines.
One of the cornerstones of the Elektra name has been innovation. During the company’s history, they are responsible for a multitude of patents that have revolutionized the company and the industry. Elektra has stayed true to the original product also. They only produce genuine Elektra espresso machines and accessories because the love of the original has been passed down through the generations in this family owned and operated company. It is a matter of pride that they are still able to produce high quality Elektra coffee machines because they have improved and refined their products.
At 1st in Coffee, we are proud to offer consumers a variety of Elektra espresso machines and espresso accessories. The quality of these Elektra coffee machines speaks for itself:
S1 Microcasa Lever – when you first see one of Elektra’s signature manual lever espresso machines, you will understand that it is a work of art. These are both functional Elektra coffee machines and works of art. The beauty of the S1 overshadows its wonderful functionality at first, but when you use it, you will see that it is more than just another pretty face.
Micro Casa Semiautomatic – this machine is another of the outstanding products from the line of Elektra coffee machines. Because it is semiautomatic it is easy to operate, but it produces a quality espresso that rivals any other espresso machine. It is a single boiler design with a heat exchanger so that you can have the advantages of a double boiler without needing the extra space. It is compact and perfect for home, office or small coffee shop.
Elektra realizes that an espresso machine is just one part of the espresso experience so they offer accessories to complement their uniquely designed Elektra coffee machines. Elektra, through 1st in Coffee, offers a line of espresso cups in which the richness of the espresso produced by their machines can be enjoyed.
Set of 6 Espresso Cups – this is a traditional cup like those used in cafés and coffee shops around the world. Made from porcelain, they are durable and functional. They are a great addition to any home coffee bar and they will keep your espresso warm until you drink the last drop.
Elektra espresso machines are perfect additions to any great kitchen design and will produce excellent espresso for years to come. Just browse through the Elektra coffee machines and accessories 1st in Coffee has made available.