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Lavazza ¡Tierra! is a sustainable development project combining product quality with improved living conditions for three small-scale coffee growing communities: Yanesha of Nagazu,
Alto Churrumazu in Peru La Fortuna,
Cusucu Park area in Honduras Villa Esperanza, Huila Valley in Colombia
Modern coffee-growing equipment is provided and the right instruments to cultivate and market coffee by means of environmentally friendly techniques. Lavazza works with the Rainforest Alliance, an international non-governmental organization actively involved in promoting sustainable coffee. Lavazza ¡Tierra! contains 100% Rainforest Alliance certified coffee. 100% Arabica product made using the washed, green coffee exclusively from the above communities, grown at medium to high-altitudes.
1 Kilo, 2.2 pounds per bag.
Lavazza ¡Tierra! is a sustainable development project combining product quality with improved living conditions for three small-scale coffee growing communities: Yanesha of Nagazu,
Alto Churrumazu in Peru La Fortuna,
Cusucu Park area in Honduras Villa Esperanza, Huila Valley in Colombia
Modern coffee-growing equipment is provided and the right instruments to cultivate and market coffee by means of environmentally friendly techniques. Lavazza works with the Rainforest Alliance, an international non-governmental organization actively involved in promoting sustainable Lavazza ¡Tierra! coffee.